Two videos about China

China trip 2024

After 6 years, we visited China with our family. It was a very fun, delicious and cozy trip visiting our family and enjoying the cities. Ming and I filmed our thoughts about our trip and it resulted in two videos about China. Enjoy!

Reflection after editing

Making the first China video was quite overwhelming because there was so much footage to review. Additionally, I wanted to create a flowing story with all the random footage that I had. I noticed that the pacing of the first video is much faster because I edited the B-roll to the music. The first video has six different songs.

The second China video was much easier to make because, in my mind, it was just the “extra” video with the rest of the stories that were interesting but didn’t fit in the first video. Looking back at the second video, it fits my slow-chill-pace more. It also fits our relaxed conversation. The B-roll is hardly cut; oftentimes, you see the whole video that I filmed without any edits to the music. The second video only has two songs.

I like the second video better. It’s more like me. Not too much ‘poespas’ as they say in Dutch.

Up to the next video project! Have a lovely day! ^^

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  1. Pingback: How to Shoot a Travel Vlog Without a Script - Lazy Pig Passion

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