Hello friends,
Long time no blog talk! A small update: I became a mom, left my job and started freelancing. Phew, that’s quite a lot!
I am doing well, balancing work- and momlife. It has always been my goal to work for myself and with the support of my partner, it is possible ♡.
My plan is: working on personal projects with Lazy Pig Passion and working on paid projects with Biang Design.
Lazy Pig Passion update
What can you expect here on lazypigpassion.com? More videos about food, traveling and other stuff I find interesting. Now I am editing a video about our China trip. China is so beautiful and more people need to know about it. Also, they have the best food! You can watch the video here:
Biang Design
At Biang Design I am helping restaurants to create their brand and solving their problems. www.biangdesign.com is my portfolio for professional work and I am planning to create a shop there for digital products.
If you need a video maker or graphic designer, you can contact me at lazypigpassion@gmail.com. Check out biangdesign.com for more information.
Mom life and blogging again
Being a mom is hard work. Never would I have imagined how much time and energy it takes to take care of a baby/kid, before dropping a baby in the world. Nowadays, around the age of 2, it has become a bit easier. Each day, the toddler can do more things by himself and he can slowly communicate more clearly about what he wants. It is wonderful to see him growing and becoming his own person.
Good to be back on the blog. I have lots of ideas for the blog, like sharing more about our China trip, China travel tips (if people are interested) and restaurant related ideas. See you in the next post!