We are already two months in 2020 and it’s time to reflect back on the Lazy Pig Passion-journey and make new goals for the future.
A short history recap
Well… it all started in 2015, or maybe even earlier, when I was young and didn’t know what to do with my life. As in, how to keep myself entertained while living life?
During my Industrial Design study I found out that I like to visualize things and to create ideas. Being creative gives me satisfaction. Food and social activities with friends/family are also a few of my happiness sources. So I tried to combine them in a food blog: eating delicious things with friends/family, blog about it and share the delicious food stories via drawings, photos and videos.
In 2016 I wanted to post regularly on my blog, so I reserved the Friday for it. And in 2017 I managed to post something every week! A satisfying feeling. Later in 2017 I also discovered that making videos is very fun, so I created several videos starring nice restaurants and made a mini documentary about Toshimi Saitou which exploded on Reddit. A peak that I haven’t been able to reach anymore.
I wanted to make more videos in 2018 and 2019, but my motivation for video slowly died out. The pressure of writing a food story every Friday was making me unhappy. And in September 2019 I stopped posting a story every Friday to “give myself more time to work on videos“. But that also didn’t happen. It’s easier to open Netflix than to open a video-editing-program. Life just happens and time goes on.
I have to say, these days it’s harder to post something on the blog, because I feel it should be a good story. Or something interesting for the readers. So if I think it’s not relevant for you guys, I won’t post it. But I miss creating food stories. So I think I will change the goal of Lazy Pig Passion: it will be a place where I can try out new and creative things.
New goals
I want to work on telling a good story. Written or visual. So I will try new forms of storytelling. Not only text and photos. Maybe other forms of visualization: GIFs, info-graphics or paintings…?
Also, I find it hard to made videos again. I don’t really like the usual format where Lazy Penguin is talking to camera, because it’s not ‘new’ or ‘wow’. And I didn’t really had the motivation to think of something new. But recently I was inspired by a blogpost from Elize010 where she talks about the pulled noodles from Yellow River and also some other Chinese restaurants where they serve pulled noodles. That inspired me to make a video about three pulled noodles restaurants in Rotterdam. This time I also joined to presenting and eating, to try something new. Now I only need to start editing this video. I don’t know why, but I always need to pass a mountain of laziness before I can start editing.
Further, I also have an idea for a recipe-video: the ingredients will explain how to make the recipe. It will be a combination of real-life video and animation. New things to explore and time to be creative!

Hope you are doing well and wish you a lovely weekend. See you in the next post!