I just came back from a family holiday in China. I didn’t have Facebook or Instagram there, so it was a nice moment to be disconnected from social media. I ate a lot of delicious food, visited places, spend time with family and ate some more. During the first few days I have stretched my stomach to fit in more food.
My favorite food was Biang Biang mian, which are very broad noodles, just like a belt. Topped with some vegetables and hot spicy oil. It is so good. I hope that this dish will come to the Netherlands, just like ramen did. 2018 has been a year full of ramen.

The character for Biang is

It’s made out a lot of different characters. The name comes from the sound: BIANG. When the noodles hit the board. Mikey Chen from Strictly Dumpling has a nice recipe video.
I really love the spicy and saltiness of the sauce. It goes so well with the long flat thick noodle.
Pig year
I saw a lot of piggies decoration and products in China. I thought they were creating products for Lazy Pig Passion, but apparently it’s for Year of the Pig. Which starts on Tuesday 5 February 2019.

Reflecting on 2018

If I look back at my statistics, I see a small peak in January (when Saitou’s video was posted) and then a slow decrease per month. I guess I peaked too early during the year. So let’s not reflect on the statistics.
My skills on the other hand, I have learned a lot about sound editing and video editing. I understand the language of video a bit better.
Because I wanted to work on video’s on Friday, I often wrote a ‘quick’ blogpost, which was more of a filler. Something to fill the big story. But what is the big story? I don’t know. I think just the purpose of sharing stories about food? My big goal of writing all these food stories is to share the foodlove. Let other people understand the joy of food.
I see that restaurant posts do well, but do I really want to write about restaurants? Only if they are really good and inspire me to write about them.
I think I want to create more crazy stuff. Things that are just odd and artsy.
Goals for 2019
Let’s see how many videos I made in 2018… 11 videos. So almost 1 video per month. Daniel’s video is on pause currently. I need to set a deadline for myself, because now I am just dragging.
In 2019 I am planning to make videos faster; quicker editing, less focus on perfect.
Also thanks to my sketches on Instagram, I got some freelance work to do. Which steals a bit time from my blogging and video editing. I might share the creations on the blog…
New goals for 2019… hmm….
I have always wanted to make a painting. I want to make a big food painting or sketch thing. Really creating art.
I want to make an animation food video. For work I often make animations, so I want to use that skill for my own videos. But I have no idea what kind of animation video. Time to brainstorm.
Thank you dear readers for reading the blog. I hope enjoyed all the stories. Let me know what you like to see on the blog. See you in the next post! Have a good day!

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