Spreading the ramen love

These last two years ramen has infiltrated the restaurant scene in the Netherlands. When I made Saitou’s movie, my goal was to inspire people to eat and make more ramen. Today I am lucky enough to join the ramen-love-spreading by designing an Amsterdam Ramen Map for bySam.nl. Susam Pang is organizing the first Ramen Festival […]

How to pick a good restaurant in China

In China if you want to play it safe in food, you should choose busy restaurants. If there are a lot of people, it means the food can be trusted in deliciousness and in hygiene. A small story for this Saturday, because it was a busy Friday. The sun is shining! Have a good day!

2019 Year of the Pig

I just came back from a family holiday in China. I didn’t have Facebook or Instagram there, so it was a nice moment to be disconnected from social media. I ate a lot of delicious food, visited places, spend time with family and ate some more. During the first few days I have stretched my […]