Asian breakfast restaurant in NL

After one week of bread for breakfast in the Netherlands and I am already missing the Taiwanese breakfast… 

onigiri wonton hundun baozi taipei scallion pancake taipei soup dumplings Taiwan

I was wondering whether an “Asian Breakfast Take Out Restaurant”  in the Netherlands would work. A restaurant that is open in the morning till lunch for take out: fast Asian food. 

Would you guys buy breakfast from an “Asian Breakfast Take Out Restaurant” at the train station? Or would you rather eat sandwiches from home or AH ToGo?


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Let’s see if there is a market for this idea. And please, feel free to realize this idea. I will happily buy your breakfast!

1 thought on “Asian breakfast restaurant in NL”

  1. Pingback: Most [delicious] food you ate in Taiwan? - LazyPigPassion

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