Happiness is…


Eating food which has the perfect balance in taste and has a nice texture. Eating food that reminds me of home.


They love me no matter what. I can be myself.


Family that I have picked myself.

Why this sappy post? Because today I am spending time with my friends and that makes me very happy. So this post is also pre-written, so I don’t have to worry about the blog on Friday.


I forgot to put ‘video’ in the drawing… Doh.

For me there are four things that have high priority in my life.

1. Social time with family and friends

2. Eating delicous food (with family and friends)

3. Making videos. Creating art is very satisfying. Finishing a project is like achieving a goal. I made something beautiful, but it can always be better. That thought keeps me going. I think that’s why art is a good passion to follow. You are never done. Or maybe that is not a good thing, because you are never done…

4. A healthy body. The last few years I have had a lot of sport injuries. I need to be healhty, so I can spend more time in the other three priorities. Or else I need to spend time going to the doctor etc. I only get one body, so I need to take care of it.

I notice that ‘video’ sometimes will get more priority than the other things. I will say no to social things, because I want to edit videos. Or I will skip cooking and order in, because I want to edit videos. But then I get pain in my wrist and a stiff back, because of sitting still for too long. So a cooking break or a yoga break would be nice. Life is about balance. If one part gets too much attention, the other parts will suffer.

What are you high priorities in life? What makes you happy?

Have a good Friday!

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