December and January (till now) have been great food months. I didn’t realize it, but man! I ate a lot of delicious stuff. Time to share with the rest of the world. Watch and salivate.
There is an excellent Korean BBQ restaurant in Tilburg. This is the bibimbap they served. It tasted so good! It had a good hot pot for crisping up the rice and cooking the raw egg yolk.
From Lazy Bear’s mom I learned that you can eat good tenderloin raw. (But check with the butcher.) We didn’t eat this raw by the way, we fried it in hot oil. I might have ate one piece raw. Just to test, you know…
These are delicious lamb dumplings. Dad chopped up the meat himself.
For Christmas I made sous vide lobsters. It was so soft and juicy! Add some butter for a creamy taste.
Lazy Bear’s dad is an expert in making ‘runderslaatje’, beef salad. It’s a typical Dutch salad with beef, pickles, potato and all the stuff on top.
I had a delicious coconut dessert at Kimmade. I just love the gooey tapioca balls (I think it’s tapioca balls?) and coconut flavor.
Coming soon
- Foodventure with Lazy Penguin at Noo.Me. I still need some evenings to finish.
- Saito’s movie. Yes, this has been taking some time. It still needs subtitles.
- Asian Boulevard restaurant post. The Korean restaurant I was talking about.
Have a good Friday!