Local sushi experience in Japan – Yamani Sushi

Yamani Sushi was a a lovely sushi experience, so I made a movie:

The food

(Below is the food diary of the day we visited, so you might have already read this. “New” photos though…)

Today we finally ate sushi. It was at a small store near Nijo castle. When we arrived no one was there yet. So I have been able to film some sushi action. I will make a video about the restaurant, because the experiences were so pleasant.

Inside there were three old chefs. One chef could speak some English, so he took our order. Luckily the menu had photos. We picked a sushi set with tempura and one with a mini hot pot. Two chefs skillfully started making the sushi in front of us. And in the back the third chef was preparing the hot stuff.

The sushi was just perfect. Soft tuna with fluffy, light flavored rice. Every sushi piece had the perfect mouth-feel and taste. There was a small bowl of rice with egg pancake slices, fish eggs, unagi and fish meat. The taste was so well balanced. Every bite was perfectly flavored. The hot pot soup was also very good, sweet and salty. This has been one of my favorite food experience here in Japan. One chef also advised us how to eat the sushi, which sushi not to dip in the soy sauce and how to eat the hotpot. Very nice of him to teach us some food culture.

Including a delicious flan dessert

Visit them!

やまに寿司 (Yamani Sushi)
Address: 〒602-8163 京都府京都市上京区千本下立売角田中町415

月・火・木~日 :  Mon – Sun 17:00~22:30
月・火・木~日 ランチ : Mon – Sun 11:30~14:00 (Last order 13:30)
Wed          Closed
I love the Japanese version of the days. It means Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth, Sun in Chinese.

3 thoughts on “Local sushi experience in Japan – Yamani Sushi”

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