Hi guys, one month ago I started with a daily drawing challenge: draw something about food everyday (weekdays). I use my 13+5 minutes in the train to think of an idea, draw it and post it on Instagram. BAM! and it’s done. Below are a few drawings I find worth sharing. Follow me on instagram.com/lazypigpassion. (Shameless self-promotion)
For the readers from China, I have posted all “Foodventures with Lazy Penguin” on Youku.com, since YouTube can’t be accessed in China. Another shameless self-promotion.
Coming soon..
I have some good stuff in the planning: be prepared for a delicious meat restaurant, a meat recipe video and a big project in the making. Some spoilers: noodles, a Chef and Lazy Penguin. Doesn’t that sound delicious? See you guys tomorrow with a new food story ^~^ Good night~~