On the 5th day the badminton watchers were done with the matches. We booked a bus to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. You can buy a ticket online for the CityLink bus, which goes to different cities every 15 minutes. It’s also possible to buy a ticket at the bus station.
Edinburgh is a very pretty city, a lot of Gothic style buildings. Glasgow feels more like a metropolis and Edinburgh is a like a ‘Belle and the Beast’ city.
Castle of BeastWe went to the Museum of Scotland (building on the right). The entrance is free again. The exhibition is also very fun. Ranging from stone age till the modern age. It’s too big to watch everything, so pick out your favorite topics. The building is a mix of an old building and a new part. It’s like a maze.I found a piggie! It’s a staff.Industrial age area.For dinner we went to ’10 to 10 in Delhi’, a small Indian restaurant near the university campus. The food is really tasty and cheap. It’s not very spicy or strong herb taste, but it tasted really good. They also have Chai’s which are better than those sweet mixtures of Starbucks.Vegetarian curryA special twist to the Indian curry. The meat is wrapped in a white Roti. This lamb curry was exceptionally good. And only for 5,50 pounds! I might dedicate a separate blogpost to the place…There is a Marvel / Harry Potter store were you can buy merchandise. ‘Galaxy’ on 47-49 South Bridge, Edinburgh. Apparently there a lot of Harry Potter shops. Two new shops opened called Diagon House (42-44 Cockburn Street and 40 Victoria Street)Did you know Harry Potter uses his wand to change the TV channel? Apparently you can buy one for 69 pound and try it yourself.
End verdict: It was a fun Glasgow trip. I would really recommend to visit the two cities. Food is great (if you pick 4+ starred restaurants on Google), shopping is fun, museums are really the best I have ever visited and they are for free. The people are really friendly.