Recipe: Chicken congee ~ After dentist food

Last week I went to the dentist and I made myself some soft food so I could easily swallow without a lot of chewing. Here is the chicken congee recipe. Healthy, because it has chicken soup ingredients. Safe, because you can make it very mushy by cooking the soup for a long time.

Mom’s wisdom: congee is good for you, because you can digest it easily. It’s also good for your skin, it will become smooth and shiny, just like the congee. I don’t know if that is really true, but I like to believe it.

In the past I often ate congee at home, usually without all the vegetables and meat ingredients. Only rice… but that is a bit too plain for me. I like things salty. But don’t put it too much salt guys, too much salt is not good for your heart. Well enjoy the recipe! Talk to you guys the next time 🙂

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