I was talking with lazy bear about MacDonald’s having 24/7 service. In the past this didn’t exist in The Netherlands. Now MacDonald’s is slowly becoming like the ones in the US and Asia. I hope one day they will also bring the Big Mac and fries to your home, like in Asia. Then whenever I have a MacDonald’s craving I can order it! Oh, Burger King is starting the delivery service now. Only in Den Haag and Emmen, for testing it. Let’s hope it will be a hit, so Mac Donald’s will also have the delivery service.
But the fries will be soggy, because they are not suitable for long travelling.
What if the delivery guy will bring the ingredients and cook at your home. Maybe in a MacDonald’s food truck. Or they have a whole cooking machine which they can bring to your kitchen.
Wouldn’t that be great? Ordering a chef from a restaurant to cook for you at home. Instead of delivering the food..
Note: the MacDonald’s logo is now dark green with yellow. But I like the red with yellow better. That is the real Mac.
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