When in Hongkong eat Pineapple Bun!


What is this strange giraffe bun? It’s a pineapple bun! There is no pineapple used in this bread, but the shell looks like the skin of a pineapple. Though my picture looks like a giraffe skin and the photo is more like a turtle.


This bun exists out of sweet white bread, topped with a cookie layer which breaks fast. (And you can eat it during breakfast.. :p)
It tastes best with a salty slab of butter in between. The cold salty butter is such a nice contrast with the sweet soft warm bun and it melts…. mmmm…..


To wash down the bun, you can order an original milk tea. No sugar and with cows and wind mills from The Netherlands. Feels like home 😉

I will be travelling to Thailand soon. Get ready for some Thai food! If you have tips about places or food. Let piggy know.
Have a good Friday!

1 thought on “When in Hongkong eat Pineapple Bun!”

  1. Pingback: Hong Kong breakfast | LazyPigPassion

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